SugarCRM  – The open source CRM system

How SugarCRM ® can help you

SugarCRM ® is an affordable subscription based CRM system that has been operating since 2004. Over the last 10 years it has grown to service a user base of over 1,500,000 customers.

The SugarCRM ® software helps a business to identify opportunities, deepen customer relationships, and uncover additional revenue.

It achieves this through sales-force automation, customer support, collaboration platforms, mobile CRM, CRM, marketing campaigns, and by providing detailed reporting.

SugarCRM ® was designed to with the user as the highest priority. It places the individual at the center of the CRM system. The unique SugarUX ® interface is highly immersive, and allows employees to engage with customers in any setting. It does this by combining the simplicity of a consumer app with the powerful capabilities of an advanced CRM system.

The software is also open source and highly customizable. This ensures that the CRM system runs like your business, and not the other way around. Some CRM systems are clunky and rigid. By customizing a solution the implementation of a CRM solution can be relatively effortless and increase operational efficiency, as opposed to creating more work.

SugarCRM ® is available in three editions – Sugar Professional ®, Sugar Enterprise ®, and Sugar Ultimate ®. After closely assessing your businesses needs we can advise you of the appropriate SugarCRM ®  product, implement the system, and then guide you through its application.

Click here to book a live Sugar CRM  demo